StarCraft II “Wings of Liberty”
StarCraft II is one of the legendary strategy game. Although the initial version was released almost 12 years ago, but it offers a game system is still quite admired by many gamers.
Real-time Strategy (RTS) Game by Blitzzard, StarCraft II, seems to have completed the stage of manufacture. Games that have long awaited it was now ready to launch.
Especially for the players StarCraft II beta, maybe they already can not wait to play the full version of this legendary game. After getting some feedback from his fans, even now increasingly perfected Blitzzard.
After passing through the stages of making a fairly long time, Blizzard dared to speak about the presence of StarCraft II that scheduled release on July 28, 2010.
"Thanks to the testers StarCraft II, we made great progress in the final stages of making this game. And over the coming months, we'll be ready to welcome all players StarCraft II and in the entire world." said Mike Morhaime, Blizzard CEO.
The plan, this game will be released sequentially in various countries ranging from the United States, Canada, Europe, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Mexico, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Taiwan area, Hong Kong, and Macau.
But you can digitaly download Starcrat II "Wings Of Liberty" by visiting Starcraft Official site.
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BalasHapusStarcraft 2 guide is available everywhere. Make sure you get teh one that's right for you.
BalasHapusstarcraft ii is by far the greatest game of 2010
BalasHapusThanks for the read starcraft 2 guides .Been looking for something good to read in a while.
BalasHapusThanks for the info,bookmarked and saved